
9434135487 // 7074909011

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Up to 12 hours of battery life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Etiam quis metus in enim congue ornare. Sed vitae leo placerat, venenatis massa at, dictum nisl. Suspendisse efficitur eros ligula, eget dapibus ex pellentesque quis. In nec quam auctor, aliquet ex vitae, suscipit lectus.

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Fifth-generation Intel Core processors

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Welcome To Anand International School

Special Education and Pre Classes

Full Day Session

Qualified Teachers



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Education awakens the power of beauty that lie within us. Therefore,our motto is to build the nation through proper education, is at the heart of everything we do at the school.

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“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already is man”. Anand International School is set up with the noble mission of fulfilling this great saying of Swami Vivekananda.

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Anand International School is synonymous with excellence. It envisages to impart the best of education along with moulding of child’s personality and equipping him with all necessary skills to lead a pleasant life.

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Get to know us

About us

We established Anand International School in the year 2023 under the trust
“AR Educational Trust for Career Advancement” with the aim of achieving all-round development of children. Every child is a different kind of flower and alltogether make this world a beautiful garden. Child’s full development is never possible if the teacher and the environment are not conducive. So, we have considered everything and decided to create a school where children can establish themselves as a complete citizen by developing them to the fullest.

Admission Procedure

Admission to the school is conducted through regular admission tests during various times throughout the year. The written test is followed by a round of personal interview of both the students and their parents. Sample papers of previous years are available on our website which will help aspiring students prepare themselves for the admission tests.