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About Us

Welcome to Anand International School

About AIS

We established Anand International School in the year 2023 under the trust
“AR Educational Trust for Career Advancement” with the aim of achieving all-round development of children. Every child is a different kind of flower and alltogether make this world a beautiful garden. Child’s full development is never possible if the teacher and the environment are not conducive. So, we have considered everything and decided to create a school where children can establish themselves as a complete citizen by developing them to the fullest.

Our Mission

Education is a never-ending journey. Our primary mission is to promote a
child’s holistic development and to create a school where students can develop
their creativity, ethics and full potential and to develop children into good
citizens. Responsible citizens apply their learning and gained skills to help
themselves and others. They help to move the human race ahead in areas such
as equality, justice, and harmony. If we can do this, we will be proud of

Our Vision

The school is committed to super quality and high standard in education and vows to be recognized as the center of supreme excellence in Education. The school is bent on providing a supreme standard of educational programme for the learners to achieve success in their student’s life in such a way that the vision of building the nation through their learning and worth imitable life style may materialize. Emphasis to be laid on the all-round development of students and the process of learning may evolve round the issues of peace, love, harmony, humanity, fraternity and integrity which will transform the students of today into the ideal citizens of tomorrow.  All these visions are expected to turn into reality with the active and spontaneous co-operation of the learned and experienced faculties who are committed to keep a vigilant eye on the overall development of the personality of the students.


Years of experience


Happy Student


Projects completed


Years of experience