
9434135487 // 7074909011

Why Us

Why Us

Discipline is the stepping stone of success in life. Without discipline education becomes a farce. Congenial atmosphere for smooth and successful teaching is absolutely necessary. If the motto of our school is to build the nation through proper education, our first and for most duty is to try our level best to create a healthy environment in and around the school for sound and smooth teaching which owsmust to discipline. Teaching should be such as will help the students to realize the gravity of discipline at heart. Forceful discipline is of no use Discipline from within is effective. The school administration will be such as both the teachers and taught will be made to feel that Anand International School is a united family and none will dare to break the inseparable tie. The longevity of an institution depends much on strict but liberal and humane administration.

The school is still in its nascent stages of development and each person associated with the institution is determined to take it to the Zenith of glory students, being the bedrock of any school, the development of each of them remains a matter of utmost importance to every teacher in our institution. A regular appraisal of their performance is followed by remedial classes, if necessary. Parents are kept informed of their ward’s progress through regular meetings and students are led forward by their teachers with love and affection.